Query station information from the Query station information from NOAA 1981-2010 cliamte normats. findNOAAnorms returns a SpatailPointsDataframe of all stations within an AOI. Data comes from the NOAA and includes the following attributes:

  • 'ID' : character is the station identification code. The first two characters denote the FIPS country code, the third character is a network code identifiNG the station numbering systemused, and the remaining eight characters contain the actual

  • 'ELEV' : Station name

  • 'ST.ABB' : USA state abbriviation (USA station only)

  • 'NAME' : Elevation of the station (in meters, missing = -999.9).

  • 'GSNFLAG' : ndicates whether the station is part of the GCOS Surface Network (GSN)

  • 'HCNFLAG' : Indicates whether the station is part of the U.S. Historical Climatology Network (HCN).

  • 'WMOID' : World Meteorological Organization (WMO) station number

  • 'METHOD' : Indicates whether a "traditional" or a "pseudonormals" approach was utilized for temperature or precipitation

findNOAAnorms(AOI, ids = FALSE)



A Spatial* or simple features geometry, can be piped from getAOI


If TRUE, a vector of unique acis station IDs is added to retuned list (default = FALSE)


a list() of minimum length 2: AOI and and acis


sta = getAOI(state = "CO", county = "El Paso") %>% findNOAAnorms()
# }