SSURGO is a geospatial database of soils produced by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). @description findSSURGO
returns a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
of SSURGO map units and the Mapunit aggregated attributes (muaggatt table) associated with each MUKEY. In total 43 attributes are returned,
all of which can be found in the [SSURGO documentation]( The MUAGGATT values cover a wide range of
soil realted questions however if a user is interested in the full range of tabular data associated with the SSURGO map units we suggest checking out the FedData package.
findSSURGO(AOI, table = FALSE)
AOI | A Spatial* or simple features geometry, can be piped from getAOI |
a list() of minimum length 2: AOI and ssurgo
# NOT RUN { AOI = getAOI(clip = list("UCSB", 10, 10)) %>% findSSURGO() # }