
The WIP catalog is intended to leverage the available opportunities with web hosted files (FTP, s3, etc), OpenDAP servers, and STAC catalogs.

Data that is dealt with is limited to 2 or 3D information presented on a rectilinear grid.


Purpose Name Description Example VRT Example OpenDap Example STAC
Data collection The primary resource name, agency, or catalog of data assets 3DEP GridMET STAC Collection
Data asset The subdatasets or assets in the collection. The ID should be unique within the collection that contains the asset. 30m DEM OpenDAP endpoint STAC asset
Data URL The specific access URL /vsicurl/... https://... STAC href
Data type The data format reached by URL vrt dap stac_asset
Data varname The filename (sans extension), band name, or dap varname filename or band name varname ?
Data variable General high order variable type Land cover Rainfall Imagery
Data description Long form description of asset User defined NetCDF long name STAC Title
Data units The units of the values in the asset “m” “mm” “wl”
Modeled Data model The name of the model generating data in asset NA “CCSM4” “CCSM4”
Modeled Data ensemble The model ensemble member used to generate data in asset
Modeled Data scenario The model scenario used to generate data in asset
Temporal Data duration The range of time covered by the asset represented as {start}/{end}, open dates are represented with .. production date or NA OpenDap time dimension values STAC datetime
Temporal Data interval A numeric stride with a unit, built as a string NA “1 day” STAC …
Temporal Data T_name The name of the time dimension
Temporal Data nT The number of time layers in the model 1 30
Spatial Data X1 The first value in the X coordinate array, typically, but not always Xmin STAC bbox element 1
Spatial Data Xn The last value in the X coordinate array, typically, but not always Xmax STAC bbox element 2
Spatial Data Y1 The first value in the Y coordinate array, typically, but not always Ymin STAC bbox element 3
Spatial Data Yn The last value in the Y coordinate array, typically, but not always Ymin STAC bbox element 4
Spatial Data X_name The name of the X dimension/variable
Spatial Data Y_name The name of the Y dimension/variable
Spatial Data X_res The resolution of the data in the X direction (abs(X1-Xn) / ncol)
Spatial Data Y_res The resolution of the data in the Y direction (abs(Y1-Yn) / nrow)
Spatial Data ncol The number of values in the X direction (abs(X1-Xn) / X_res)
Spatial Data nrow The number of grid cells in the Y direction (abs(Y1-Yn) / Y_res)
Spatial Data crs The coordinate reference system expressed as PROJ4 string
Spatial Data toptobottom Specific to OpenDap data describing the arrangement of the unfolded vector
Spatial Data tiled is data tiled spatially (XY), temporally (T), or not (NA)



Mulitband TIFF