GEOG 178/258:
Conceptual Modeling and Programing for the Geo-Sciences

Course Info

Term: Winter 2019

Description: A project-based course introducing major conceptual modeling paradigms and object-oriented programming from a Geoinformatics perspective. The class is intended for undergraduate students from Geography and the broader Geo-Sciences who have limited (or no previous) experience in software engineering. GEOG 178 is the undergraduate portion of the class while GEOG 258 is the graduate section.

Instructor: Krzysztof Janowicz
Office Location: 4830 Ellison Hall
Office Hours: Monday 10:30 - 11:30

TA: Mike Johnson
Office Location: 1715 Ellison Hall
Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00 - 11:00

Weekly Info:

Week 1: Installs

Section slides
Java JDK SE Download
Eclipse IDE Download
Pro Git PDF

Week 2: OGC, Variables, Debugging, Loops

Section slides: Varibable, Debugging, Loops
Section slides: OGC Simple Features
Example Code

Week 3: Arrays, Objects, Classes

Section slides

Week 4: Public vs. Private, 'To be or not to be' Examples

Section slides
To be or not to be... Code
Wildfire Example Code

Week 5: Inheritance and Delegation

Section slides
Week five examples
Check-in Survey

Week 6: UML, Poisson, Github & Midterm Prep

Section Slides
OGC Simple Features
Midterm practice questions
Midterm practice answers
In Class Poisson Code

Week 7: Graphical User Interfaces

In class Examples!

Week 8: Java I/O and MVC

Section Slides
Tiny GIS Example code

Week 9: Serialization and Planar Graphs

Section Slides
Planar Graph Example Code

Week 10: Reading Outside Files

Final practice questions