Proposed basin attribute workflows


Class Variable Data Description Data Source units Summary Function Description Proposed Source Proposed Summary
identifier gauge_id catchment identifier (eight-digit USGS hydrologic unit code) HDCN-2009 - - Reference Fabric POIs -
identifier HUC2 region (two-digit USGS hydrologic unit code) NHDPlusV2/WBD - - Reference Fabric VPUs VPU
identifier gauge_name gauge name, followed by the state HDCN-2009 - - Mainstem ID -
identifier gauge_lat gauge latitude HDCN-2009 - - Outlet X -
identifier gauge_long gauge longitude HDCN-2009 - - Outlet Y -


Class Variable Data Description Data Source units Summary Function Description Proposed Source Proposed Summary
climatology p_mean mean daily precipitation N15 Daymet 1km Daily - 1 October 1989 to 30 September 2009 mm/day basin mean Gridmet 4km PR basin mean
climatology pet_mean mean daily PET N15 using Priestley–Taylor formulation calibrate=d for each catchment mm/day basin mean Gridmet 4km PET basin mean
climatology p_seasonality seasonality and timing of precipitation N15 Daymet 1km Daily - estimated using sine curves to represent the annual temperature and precipitation cycles w/ Eq. (14) in Woods et al. (2009) Gridmet 4km Daily Eq. (14) in Woods et al. (2009)
climatology frac_snow fraction of precipitation falling as snow N15 Daymet 1km Daily - basin mean Gridmet 4km PR / Jennings basin mean
climatology aridity aridity N15 Daymet 1km Daily [pet_mean/p_mean] - basin mean - ratio of mean PET to mean precipitation Gridmet 4km Daily basin mean
climatology high_prec_freq frequency of high precipitation days N15 Daymet 1km Daily days/yr basin mean - greater or equal to 5 times mean daily PPT Gridmet 4km Daily basin mean
climatology high_prec_dur average duration of high precipitation days N15 Daymet 1km Daily days basin mean Gridmet 4km Daily basin mean
climatology high_prec_timing season during which most high precipitation days N15 Daymet 1km Daily season basin mean - greater or equal to 5 times mean daily PPT Gridmet 4km Daily basin mean
climatology low_prec_freq frequency of low precipitation days N15 Daymet 1km Daily days/yr basin mean - less them 1 mm daily PPT Gridmet 4km Daily basin mean
climatology low_prec_dur average duration of low precipitation days N15 Daymet 1km Daily days basin mean - less them 1 mm daily PPT Gridmet 4km Daily basin mean
climatology low_prec_timing season during which most low precipitation days N15 Daymet 1km Daily [pet_mean/p_mean] season basin mean - less them 1 mm daily PPT Gridmet 4km Daily basin mean


Class Variable Data Description Data Source units Summary Function Description Proposed Source Proposed Summary
geology geol_1st_class most common geologic class in the catchment Hartmann and Moosdorf (2012) - GLiM - basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
geology glim_1st_class_frac fraction of the catchment area associated with its most common geologic class Hartmann and Moosdorf (2012) - GLiM % basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
geology geol_2nd_class second most common geologic class in the catchment Hartmann and Moosdorf (2012) - GLiM - basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
geology glim_2nd_class_frac fraction of the catchment area associated with its second most common geologic class Hartmann and Moosdorf (2012) - GLiM % basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
geology carbonate_rocks_frac fraction of the catchment area characterized as “carbonate sedimentary rocks” Hartmann and Moosdorf (2012) - GLiM % basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
geology geol_porostiy subsurface porosity Gleeson et al. (2014) GLHYMPS - basin mean CONUS Soils
geology geol_permeability subsurface permeability (log10) Gleeson et al. (2014) GLHYMPS sq. m basin geometric mean CONUS Soils


Class Variable Data Description Data Source units Summary Function Description Proposed Source Proposed Summary
soils soil_depth_pelletier depth to bedrock (maximum 50 m) Pelletier et al. (2016) m basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
soils soil_depth_statsgo soil depth Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO m basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
soils soil_porosity volumetric porosity Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO - basin mean - volumetric porosity (saturated volumetric water content estimated using a multiple linear regression based on sand and clay fraction for the layers marked as USDA soil texture class and a default value (0.9) for layers marked as organic material; layers marked as water, bedrock, and “other” were excluded) - Table 4 in Cosby etal. (1984); Lawrence and Slater (2008) CONUS Soils
soils soil_conductivity saturated hydraulic conductivity Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO cm/h basin mean - estimated using a multiple linear regression based on sand and clay fraction for the layers marked as USDA soil texture class and a default value (36 cm h) Table 4 in Cosby etal. (1984); Lawrence and Slater (2008) CONUS Soils
soils max_water_content maximum water content Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO % basin mean - combination of porosity and soil_depth_statsgo; layers marked as water, bedrock, and “other” were excluded CONUS Soils basin mean
soils sand_frac sand fraction Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO % basin mean - % of soil material smaller than 2 mm;layers marked as organic material, water, bedrock, and “other” were excluded CONUS Soils basin mean
soils clay_frac clay fraction Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO % basin mean - % of soil material smaller than 2 mm; layers marked as organic material, water, bedrock, and “other” were excluded CONUS Soils basin mean
soils water_frac fraction of the top 1.5 m marked as water (class 14) Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO % basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
soils organic_frac fraction of soil_depth_statsgo marked as organic material (class 13) Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO % basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean
soils other_frac fraction of soil_depth_statsgo marked as “other” (class 16) Miller and White (1998) – STATSGO % basin mean CONUS Soils basin mean


Class Variable Data Description Data Source units Summary Function Description Proposed Source Proposed Summary
terrain area catchment area DEM basin sum 3DEP 30-m basin sum
terrain slope_mean catchment mean slope DEM m/km basin mean 3DEP 30-m basin mean
terrain elev_mean catchment mean elevation DEM m basin mean 3DEP 30-m basin mean

=== ## Landcover | Class | Variable | Data Description | Data Source | units | Summary Function Description | Proposed Source | Proposed Summary | |————-|———————-|———————————————————————————————|————————————————————————–|———|———————————————————————————————————————————————————|—————————————————————-|—————————-| | landcover | frac_forest | forest fraction | N15 – USGS data (NLCD ####) | % | basin mean | NLCD 2019 | basin mean | | landcover | dom_land_cover | dominant land cover (Noah-modified 20-category IGBP-MODIS land cover) | MODIS* | - | basin mode | IGBP-MODIS land cover | basin mode | | landcover | dom_land_cover_frac | fraction of the catchment area associated with the dominant land cover | MODIS* | % | basin mean | IGBP-MODIS land cover | basin mode | | landcover | lai_max | maximum monthly mean of the leaf area index | MODIS 1k 2002-2014 | - | remap noah tbl to mod LC, mean of max - based on 12 monthly means | GLASS | basin mean | | landcover | lai_diff | difference between the maximum and minimum monthly mean of the leaf area index | MODIS* | - | based on 12 monthly means | GLASS | basin mean | | landcover | gvf_max | maximum monthly mean of the green vegetation fraction | MODIS* | - | based on 12 monthly means | GLASS | basin mean | | landcover | gvf_diff | difference between the maximum and minimum monthly mean of the green vegetation fraction | MODIS* | - | based on 12 monthly means | GLASS | basin mean | | landcover | root_depth_XX | root depth percentiles (XX = 50 and 99%) | IGBP landcover | m | remap noah tbl to mod LC - Eq. (2) and Table 2 in Zeng (2001), basin mean | GLASS | basin mean