GBM Modeling for SRCs

This document outlines the Gradient Boosted Machine method used to estimate roughness along the National Hydrography Dataset (NHDPlus) as part of the in-review paper:

Johnson, J.M., Eyelade D., Clarke K.C, Singh-Mohudpur, J. (2021) “Characterizing Reach-level Empirical Roughness Along the National Hydrography Network: Developing DEM-based Synthetic Rating Curves.

Document Author: Justin Singh-Mohudpur

An example of the full Rscript will be shown at the bottom of this page.

Training Options and Dependencies

We begin by loading the necessary libraries, setting a couple training options, and beginning our parallel cluster (if used):

library(dplyr)  # For concise data manipulation
library(caret)  # For machine learning 

# Training Options
MODEL_NAME <- "example-gbm" # Model file name
SEED       <- 182           # For reproducibility
SAVE       <- TRUE          # Save model after training (T/F)?
SAVE_DIR   <- "path/to/dir" # Directory to save model if SAVE is TRUE
PARALLEL   <- TRUE          # Run training in parallel (T/F)?

    cores <- parallel::detectCores()
    cl    <- parallel::makeCluster(cores[1] - 1, outfile = "")

Loading Data

Now, we load the data that we will use for training and validation of our model. The optimized_data data set should include:

The NHDPlus Value-Added Attributes (VAA) data set will include our potential predictors. We can retrieve the VAA data set via the nhdplusTools package:

optimized_data <- readRDS("path/to/data.rds")

# Option 1: All of the VAAs
# nhdplus_vaa <- nhdplusTools::get_vaa()

# Option 2: Tested Predictors, with HUC 12-digit code for sampling
nhdplus_vaa <- nhdplusTools::get_vaa(
    atts = c("areasqkm", "lengthkm", "slope",
             "pathlength", "arbolatesu", "reachcode")

If you choose to redo the feature selection (choosing which predictors to use in your GBM model), then you can get the full VAA data set, as done above in option 1. Otherwise, if you want to select the tested attributes, you can call option 2.

We also need to join these data sets together, using dplyr:

modeling_data <- dplyr::left_join(
    by = "comid"

Pre-Processing Data

Now, in order to ensure that we mitigate bias and/or errors within our modeling, we need to pre-process our data.

An example that may arise is a model’s bias to specific HUC2 regions. To prevent this bias, we ensure our training set has (as close to as possible) uniform partitioning between all HUC2 regions.

Moreover, if you’ve worked with the VAAs, you will know that there may be values that were required to be limited or set to impossible values (i.e. pathtimema may be set to the value -9999). We want to make sure that these values are filtered out of our training set, as to not create training bias.

# Get the HUC 2-digit code from each HUC 12-digit code
# for (as close to as possible) uniform partitioning.
modeling_huc2 <- modeling_data %>%
                     huc2 = factor(substr(reachcode, start = 0, stop = 2))
                 ) %>%

# Split the data set into training
# and validation sets by HUC2 regions.
training_set   <- modeling_huc2 %>%
                  group_by(huc2) %>%
                  slice_head(n = 500) %>%
validation_set <- modeling_huc2 %>%
                  dplyr::filter(!(comid %in% training_set$comid))

# If you chose Option 2 for getting the VAAs, then 
# we create a character vector of the predictors we want to
# utilize, including the optimized roughness coefficients
predictors <- c("optimized_roughness",

# We filter the training set with the above predictors (if used),
# and remove rows with pathlength == 0 and slope <= 0.00001,
# as this will create bias and/or errors in training. Then, we perform
# a log transformation to center our data in the event that it is skewed
training_tidied <- training_set[names(training_set) %in% predictors] %>%
                   dplyr::filter(pathlength != 0, slope > 0.00001) %>%
                   log() %>%
                   na.omit() %>%
                   dplyr::filter_all(all_vars(!is.infinite(.))) %>%

Model Training

Once our data is pre-processed, we are almost ready to being training the actual model (or begin feature selection in some cases). However, we want to ensure that we find the best hyperparameters for our model. To do this, we craft a hyperparameter grid with all possible values for our model. Below, gbm_grid is an example of the hyperparameter grid used in the initial modeling for roughness coefficient generation.

Make sure to note that, the choice of hyperparameters is important, as the wrong parameters may lead to under or overfitting. For example, in general 40,000 trees is not common, however, in the case of SRCs, we saw through validation that it did not cause overfitting, but worked better than having less iterations.

This will change depending on the GBM algorithm (i.e. XGBoost or LightGBM hyperparameters will not necessarily be the same).

We want to note that too many potential hyperparameters will lead to a computationally expensive training session, so if you are not training a model within HPC infrastructure, it’s recommended that instead of performing hyperparameter search with the below grid, that you split the grid into smaller chunks, with each training session funneling closer to the optimal hyperparameters (i.e. the general hyperparamter grid seen below).

Hyperparameter Grid and caret Controls

# Hyperparameter grid (the whole grid)
gbm_grid <- expand.grid(
    interaction.depth = 1:15,
    n.trees           = c(seq(500, 5000, 500), seq(10000, 40000, 5000)),
    shrinkage         = c(0.001, seq(0.005, 0.1, 0.005)),
    n.minobsinnode    = c(5, 10, 15)

# (More) general hyperparameter grid
# gbm_grid <- expand.grid(
#     interaction.depth = seq(1, 15, 2),
#     n.trees           = seq(500, 40000, 5000),
#     shrinkage         = seq(0.001, 0.1, length = 5),
#     n.minobsinnode    = c(5, 10, 15)
# )

In conjunction with our hyperparameter grid, we also need to specify our training control parameters. These parameters state the options for validating our model as it trains. There are two primary validation methods to consider: bootstrapping or cross-validation.

In the first example below, we choose the optimism_boot resampling method, which is the optimism bootstrap estimator detailed in Efron and Tibshirani, 1994.

On the other hand, in the second example we perform repeated 10-fold cross-validation. In general, cross-validation will perform better validation for our model, but is much more performance-heavy. So, if you are not working within HPC infrastructure, it’s not recommended unless you are performing your final modeling, and know the exact optimal hyperparameters for your model.

# Set training controls, this is an
# example of bootstrapping. 
controls <- caret::trainControl(
    method = "optimism_boot",
    number = 5,
    verboseIter = TRUE

# If we wanted to perform, say, repeated 10-fold
# cross-validation we could set our controls as such:
# controls <- caret::trainControl(
#     method = "repeatedcv",
#     number = 10,
#     repeats = 3,
#     verboseIter = TRUE
# )

For more information regarding hyperparameters and training controls, the caret package documentation has an excellent page on describing these, as well as visualizing results from chosen parameters:

Starting Training

With all of the prerequisites sorted, we can now begin the actual modeling. The caret::train() function is the focal point in performing this. Below is an example of how we can input our data, parameters, etc. into the training process.

trained_model <- caret::train(
    optimized_roughness ~ ., # Training formula: y ~ x
    data = training_tidied,  # Training dataset
    method = "gbm",          # Modeling method
    trControl = controls,    # Training controls (specified above)
    tuneGrid = gbm_grid,     # Hyperparameter grid (specified above)
    na.action = "na.omit",   # Action to take with NA values
    bag.fraction = 0.3       # bagging fraction (p)

if (SAVE) {
        file = paste0(SAVE_DIR, "/", MODEL_NAME, "-gbm.rds")

if (PARALLEL) doParallel::stopCluster(cl)

Once training is started, if verboseIter = TRUE in the training controls, we will see output within the console regarding the training. Note that depending on the hyperparameter grid and resampling/validation method, training can take between a few minutes to a whole day.

Model Validation

To perform validation before final model validation, we perform predictions on our partioned testing dataset and capture the normalized RMSE between our predictions and optimized n values. We can perform this by calling the following function:

perform_validation <- function(test_set, trained_model) {
    predictors <- names(trained_model$trainingData)[-1]

    test_data <- test_set %>%
                 dplyr::select(predictors) %>%
                 dplyr::relocate(predictors) %>%
                 log() %>%
                 na.omit() %>%
    test_predictions <- test_data %>%
    obs_sim <- cbind(test_data[[1]], exp(test_predictions)) %>%
               tibble::as_tibble() %>%
               dplyr::rename(obs = `test_data[[1]]`, sim = pred) %>%
               dplyr::select(obs, sim)

        sim = obs_sim$sim,
        obs = obs_sim$obs,
        norm = "maxmin"

Note: The perform_validation() function assumes that the test_set data set conforms to the same structure as the training set used for trained_model.

Final Model Validation

To perform final model validation, we predict the roughness coefficient for each ComID in the 7155 observations we have, then, we compute the max-min nRMSEs comparing the recorded rating curve against the predicted synthetic rating curve. In order to do this, we add an additional Rscript, which we source if we set COMPUTE_NRMSE to TRUE, such that after our last line of code we place:


Then, our compute_nrmse.r script is as follows:

library(hydroGOF) # For nRMSE function
library(gbm)      # For loading GBM models from file

#' @title Compute nRMSE Values
#' @description Create a data frame of nRMSE values for each ComID
#'              with respect to an actual RC and a predicted SRC.
#' @param comid NHD ComID Character
#' @param atr Single-row data frame of named predictors with corresponding values for a ComID
#' @param flow Calculated flat tub flow
#' @param rc Data frame containing the rating curve with columns: stage, flow
#' @param model_name Character of the model name
compute_values <- function(comid, atr, flow, rc, model_name) {
    # Ensure attributes exist and there is only one row
    if(nrow(atr) == 1) {
        # Ensure predictors are in the correct order,
        # REQUIRED for predictions with gbm package,
        # otherwise, predictions will be incorrect.
        predictors <- 
            atr %>%
            ) %>%
            ) %>%

        predicted_n <- predict(ml_model$finalModel, predictors) %>%

        flow_scalar <- sqrt(atr$slope) / ((atr$lengthkm * 1000) * predicted_n)
        simulated_flow <- flow_scalar * flow

        nRMSE <- hydroGOF::nrmse(
            sim  = simulated_flow,
            obs  = rc$flow,
            norm = "maxmin"
    } else {
      predicted_n <- NA
      nRMSE <- NA

    df <- data.frame(
        model   = model_name,
        comid   = comid,
        nrmse   = nRMSE,
        n       = predicted_n


# Parallelization
    cores <- parallel::detectCores()
    cl    <- parallel::makeCluster(cores[1] - 1, outfile = "")

# Export libraries to cluster, used for pbmapply()
clusterCall(cl, function() library(dplyr))
clusterCall(cl, function() library(raster))
clusterCall(cl, function() library(sf))
clusterCall(cl, function() library(hydroGOF))

# There is code to show how to generate this .rds, include?
comid_data <- readRDS("data/roughness-comid-metadata.rds")

# pbapply::pbmapply() calls mapply(), and displays a progress bar
# Compute nRMSE and n terms for each COMID
computed_ls <- pbapply::pbmapply(
    FUN   = compute_values,
    comid = comid_data[which(rownames(comid_data) == "comid"), ],
    atr   = comid_data[which(rownames(comid_data) == "atts"), ],
    flow  = comid_data[which(rownames(comid_data) == "flatFlow"), ],
    rc    = comid_data[which(rownames(comid_data) == "rc"), ],
    MoreArgs = list(model_name = MODEL_NAME)

# Transforms data from computed_ls to a tibble
full_data <- tibble::tibble(
    model = unlist(computed_ls[which(rownames(computed_ls) == "model"), ]),
    comid = unlist(computed_ls[which(rownames(computed_ls) == "comid"), ]),
    nrmse = unlist(computed_ls[which(rownames(computed_ls) == "nrmse"), ]),
    n     = unlist(computed_ls[which(rownames(computed_ls) == "n"), ])

    file = paste0(SAVE_DIR, "/", MODEL_NAME, "-validation.rds")

if (PARALLEL) doParallel::stopCluster(cl)

Computing CONUS Predictions

In the event that you want to make predictions for all ~2.7 million river reaches in CONUS, we lay out an example function that allows you to pass the caret prediction model as an argument, and return a tibble of predictions for all ComIDs.

get_conus_predictions <- function(prediction_model) {

    cores <- parallel::detectCores()
    cl    <- parallel::makeCluster(cores[1] - 1, outfile = "")


    conus      <- nhdplusTools::get_vaa()
    predictors <- names(prediction_model$trainingData)[-1]
    attrs      <- dplyr::select(conus, comid, predictors) %>%
                  dplyr::relocate(comid, predictors)
    attrs[-1]  <- log(attrs[-1])
    baseline   <- attrs %>%
                  tibble::as_tibble() %>%

    baseline_preds <- modelr::add_predictions(
        baseline[, -1],

    prediction <- cbind(baseline[[1]], exp(baseline_preds)) %>%
                  tibble::as_tibble() %>%
                  dplyr::rename(comid = `baseline[[1]]`, n = pred) %>%
                  dplyr::select(comid, n)



Full Script Example

#' @title Compute nRMSE Values
#' @description Create a data frame of nRMSE values for each ComID
#'              with respect to an actual RC and a predicted SRC.
#' @param comid NHD ComID Character
#' @param atr Single-row data frame of named predictors with corresponding values for a ComID
#' @param flow Calculated flat tub flow
#' @param rc Data frame containing the rating curve with columns: stage, flow
#' @param model_name Character of the model name
compute_values <- function(comid, atr, flow, rc, model_name) {
    # Ensure attributes exist and there is only one row
    if(nrow(atr) == 1) {
        # Ensure predictors are in the correct order,
        # REQUIRED for predictions with gbm package,
        # otherwise, predictions will be incorrect.
        predictors <- 
            atr %>%
            ) %>%
            ) %>%

        predicted_n <- predict(ml_model$finalModel, predictors) %>%

        flow_scalar <- sqrt(atr$slope) / ((atr$lengthkm * 1000) * predicted_n)
        simulated_flow <- flow_scalar * flow

        nRMSE <- hydroGOF::nrmse(
            sim  = simulated_flow,
            obs  = rc$flow,
            norm = "maxmin"
    } else {
      predicted_n <- NA
      nRMSE <- NA

    df <- data.frame(
        model   = model_name,
        comid   = comid,
        nrmse   = nRMSE,
        n       = predicted_n


library(dplyr)    # For concise data manipulation
library(caret)    # For machine learning
library(hydroGOF) # For nRMSE function
library(gbm)      # For loading GBM models from file

# Training Options
MODEL_NAME <- "example-gbm" # Model file name
SEED       <- 182           # For reproducibility
SAVE       <- TRUE          # Save model after training (T/F)?
SAVE_DIR   <- "path/to/dir" # Directory to save model if SAVE is TRUE
PARALLEL   <- TRUE          # Run training in parallel (T/F)?

    cores <- parallel::detectCores()
    cl    <- parallel::makeCluster(cores[1] - 1, outfile = "")

optimized_data <- readRDS("path/to/data.rds")

# Option 2: Tested Predictors, with HUC 12-digit code for sampling
nhdplus_vaa <- nhdplusTools::get_vaa(
    atts = c("areasqkm", "lengthkm", "slope",
             "pathlength", "arbolatesu", "reachcode")

modeling_data <- dplyr::left_join(
    by = "comid"

# Get the HUC 2-digit code from each HUC 12-digit code
# for (as close to as possible) uniform partitioning.
modeling_huc2 <- modeling_data %>%
                     huc2 = factor(substr(reachcode, start = 0, stop = 2))
                 ) %>%

# Split the data set into training
# and validation sets by HUC2 regions.
training_set   <- modeling_huc2 %>%
                  group_by(huc2) %>%
                  slice_head(n = 500) %>%
validation_set <- modeling_huc2 %>%
                  dplyr::filter(!(comid %in% training_set$comid))

# If you chose Option 2 for getting the VAAs, then 
# we create a character vector of the predictors we want to
# utilize, including the optimized roughness coefficients
predictors <- c("optimized_roughness",

# We filter the training set with the above predictors (if used),
# and remove rows with pathlength == 0 and slope <= 0.00001,
# as this will create bias and/or errors in training. Then, we perform
# a log transformation to center our data in the event that it is skewed
training_tidied <- training_set[names(training_set) %in% predictors] %>%
                   dplyr::filter(pathlength != 0, slope > 0.00001) %>%
                   log() %>%
                   na.omit() %>%
                   dplyr::filter_all(all_vars(!is.infinite(.))) %>%

# Hyperparameter grid
gbm_grid <- expand.grid(
    interaction.depth = 1:15,
    n.trees           = c(seq(500, 5000, 500), seq(10000, 40000, 5000)),
    shrinkage         = c(0.001, seq(0.005, 0.1, 0.005)),
    n.minobsinnode    = c(5, 10, 15)

# Set training controls, this is an
# example of bootstrapping. 
controls <- caret::trainControl(
    method = "optimism_boot",
    number = 5,
    verboseIter = TRUE

trained_model <- caret::train(
    optimized_roughness ~ .,
    data = training_tidied,
    method = "gbm",
    trControl = controls,
    tuneGrid = gbm_grid,
    na.action = "na.omit",
    bag.fraction = 0.3

if (SAVE) {
        file = paste0(SAVE_DIR, "/", MODEL_NAME, "-gbm.rds")

if (PARALLEL) doParallel::stopCluster(cl)

    # Parallelization
    if (PARALLEL) {
        cores <- parallel::detectCores()
        cl    <- parallel::makeCluster(cores[1] - 1, outfile = "")

    # Export libraries to cluster, used for pbmapply()
    clusterCall(cl, function() library(dplyr))
    clusterCall(cl, function() library(raster))
    clusterCall(cl, function() library(sf))
    clusterCall(cl, function() library(hydroGOF))

    # There is code to show how to generate this .rds, include?
    comid_data <- readRDS("data/roughness-comid-metadata.rds")

    # pbapply::pbmapply() calls mapply(), and displays a progress bar
    # Compute nRMSE and n terms for each COMID
    computed_ls <- pbapply::pbmapply(
        FUN   = compute_values,
        comid = comid_data[which(rownames(comid_data) == "comid"), ],
        atr   = comid_data[which(rownames(comid_data) == "atts"), ],
        flow  = comid_data[which(rownames(comid_data) == "flatFlow"), ],
        rc    = comid_data[which(rownames(comid_data) == "rc"), ],
        MoreArgs = list(model_name = MODEL_NAME)

    # Transforms data from computed_ls to a tibble
    full_data <- tibble::tibble(
        model = unlist(computed_ls[which(rownames(computed_ls) == "model"), ]),
        comid = unlist(computed_ls[which(rownames(computed_ls) == "comid"), ]),
        nrmse = unlist(computed_ls[which(rownames(computed_ls) == "nrmse"), ]),
        n     = unlist(computed_ls[which(rownames(computed_ls) == "n"), ])

        file = paste0(SAVE_DIR, "/", MODEL_NAME, "-validation.rds")

    if (PARALLEL) doParallel::stopCluster(cl)