Your final for this class is to submit your personal website complete with an About Me, GIS projects, and CV page.

Due: September 14th 11:59 pm (no extension will be possible)
Submit via Gauchospace

About Me Page:

Describe what you now know, and how you can use those skills in a field of your choice. This should be targeted at someone who doesn’t know you or this class - in this context - consider it a brief, generic cover letter.

Additionally a contact (email) and Github link should be prominently listed

Geography 13 page:

All six labs should be documented and include the following (5 points for each lab):

Each lab:

The links for labs 2-6 will be evaluated on the clarity, aesethics, and ease in which they can be read (5 points each). Specific things to review are:

  • Remove warnings with warning = FALSE

  • Remove messages with message = FALSE

  • Hide code chunks you do not want to show with echo = FALSE

  • Be consistent with your headers

  • Make sure each lab has a title, author, and, if needed, subtitle

  • You can set global options in your Rmd by placing the following at the top of your document:

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, out.width = "75%", fig.align = 'center')

The above is an example and should be adjusted accordingly.

CV / Resume

Your CV should be representative of what you would submit for an internship/job. You can write this in Rmarkdown or link to a pdf stored in your img directory. No Word docx should be linked as they cannot render in a browser!

Github Profile

On your GitHub profile page click “Edit Profile” and modify your content to include a brief description of what you do (coding wise), your location, email, and the link to your personal website. See an example below:



Total: 100 points (110 possible points)

Due: August 1st 11:59 pm
Submit via Gauchospace