class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Geography 13 ## Lecture 14: Writing functions ### Mike Johnson --- <style type="text/css"> .remark-code{line-height: 2; font-size: 80%} </style> # Over the last few days: We have learned a lot! -- ### tools for reading and writing data: - read_sf / write_sf - read_csv / write_csv - read_excel -- ### tools for data maniputation - filter - select - mutate - group_by - summarize - rollmean, lag --- ### tools to manage/manipulate data type/structure - as.numeric - as.factor - st_as_sf - data.frame -- ### tools for merging and shaping data - inner_join - left_join - right_join - full_join - pivot_longer - pivot_wider -- ### tools for measuring geometries: - st_distance - st_area - st_length - set_units / drop_units --- ### tools to manage the level and type of geometry - st_combine - st_cast -- ### tools to define topological realtions: - st_intersects - st_touches - st_covers - ... -- ### tools to modify geometeries - st_buffer - st_centroid - st_coordinates - st_bbox -- ### tools to modify geometries based on others - st_intersection - st_difference - st_union - ... --- ### tools to join and filter data spatially - st_filter - st_join --- ### tools to simplify complex geometries - st_simplify (feature-based) - ms_simplify (topology-preserving) - mapview::npts -- ### tools to ask about, set, and change CRS - st_crs - st_set_crs - st_transform --- ### tools to visualize data - ggplot - geom_* - labs - ggrepel - gghighlight - scale_* --- # These tools are all functions - R is a statistical computing language that provides _features_ as _functions_ -- - Even with just its base installation, R provides hundreds of functions: ```r length(lsf.str("package:base")) + length(lsf.str("package:stats")) + length(lsf.str("package:utils")) ``` ``` [1] 1893 ``` -- - sf provides over 100 more ```r length(lsf.str("package:sf")) ``` ``` [1] 136 ``` -- - and the core tidyverse packages (that we use) an additional ~750 ```r length(lsf.str("package:dplyr")) + length(lsf.str("package:ggplot2")) + length(lsf.str("package:tidyr")) + length(lsf.str("package:forcats")) ``` ``` [1] 793 ``` --- # To date, - We have been using functions written for us - mostly by `sf` and the `tidyverse` -- - This how any commercial GIS suite operates as well - Analysis and workflows are limited to the tools kits and options exposed to the user - In R, a lot more is actually exposed! -- - Everytime we install a new package, we download code that provides new specific features (as functions) -- - Everytime we *attach* a package to a working session (`library()`) we are making those functions available/visible --- ## Functions are objects - Just like `x = 10` binds the value of 10 to the name x creating an object visible in the environment, -- - functions are objects that can be called by name to execute a set of directions over defined arguments. -- ```r class(sf::st_intersects) ``` ``` [1] "function" ``` ```r class(sf::st_as_sf) ``` ``` [1] "function" ``` --- # Our own functions are visable as objects in the environemnt ```r x = 10 y = data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 10:1) f = function(x,y){ x + y } ``` <img src="lec-img/14-function-objects.png" width="348" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Advancing your programming skills - One of the best ways to improve your skills as a data scientist is to write functions. -- - Functions allow you to automate common tasks in a more general way than copy-and-pasting. -- - The more times you apply a function, the more incentive you have to optimize it for speed/accuracy -- - The more creative/unique your analyses and questions can be --- # So why write functions opposed to scripts? - The process can be named -- - As requirements change, you only need to update code in one place -- - You eliminate the chance of making incidental mistakes when you copy and paste (forgetting to change `dist_to_state` to `dist_to_border`). -- - functions can be 'sourced' into Rmd files and R Scripts -- - You save youself time --- # Rule of thumb <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" style="height:1em;position:relative;display:inline-block;top:.1em;" xmlns=""> <path d="M466.27 286.69C475.04 271.84 480 256 480 236.85c0-44.015-37.218-85.58-85.82-85.58H357.7c4.92-12.81 8.85-28.13 8.85-46.54C366.55 31.936 328.86 0 271.28 0c-61.607 0-58.093 94.933-71.76 108.6-22.747 22.747-49.615 66.447-68.76 83.4H32c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32v240c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h64c14.893 0 27.408-10.174 30.978-23.95 44.509 1.001 75.06 39.94 177.802 39.94 7.22 0 15.22.01 22.22.01 77.117 0 111.986-39.423 112.94-95.33 13.319-18.425 20.299-43.122 17.34-66.99 9.854-18.452 13.664-40.343 8.99-62.99zm-61.75 53.83c12.56 21.13 1.26 49.41-13.94 57.57 7.7 48.78-17.608 65.9-53.12 65.9h-37.82c-71.639 0-118.029-37.82-171.64-37.82V240h10.92c28.36 0 67.98-70.89 94.54-97.46 28.36-28.36 18.91-75.63 37.82-94.54 47.27 0 47.27 32.98 47.27 56.73 0 39.17-28.36 56.72-28.36 94.54h103.99c21.11 0 37.73 18.91 37.82 37.82.09 18.9-12.82 37.81-22.27 37.81 13.489 14.555 16.371 45.236-5.21 65.62zM88 432c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24s-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24z"></path></svg> - Data is the first argument (better for pipes!) -- - Whenever you have copy-and pasted code more than twice you should write a function -- For example how many times have we coded: ```r states = USAboundaries::us_states() %>% filter(!name %in% c("Hawaii", "Puerto Rico", "Alaska")) ``` -- - Or made the same table with `knitr`/`kableExtra` only changing the `col.names` and `data.frame` -- - Or calculated a distance, changed the units, and dropped them? -- - All of these task are repetitive and prone to making errors that could impact our analysis but not break our code... --- # The form of a function: Creating a function follows the form: ```r name = function(arg1, arg2, *){ code .. return(...) } ``` Where: -- - `name` is the function name (e.g. `st_as_sf`) - This is the name on which R is able to call the object -- - `arg1` is the first input -- - `arg2` is the second input -- - `*` is any other argument you want to define -- - `code ...` defines the instructions to carry out on `arg1` and `arg2` -- - `return(...)` is what the function returns --- # Defining a function - To define a function we need to identify the code we have, and what can/should generalized for future uses? -- ```r states = USAboundaries::us_states() %>% filter(!name %in% c("Hawaii", "Puerto Rico", "Alaska")) ``` -- - Here the input data (us_states) could change -- - So could the variable name we filter by (name) --- # Function Signiture So, lets start with a function that takes general input data and a variable name -- ```r get_conus = function(data, var){ } ``` --- # Function arguments Function arguments typically include two two broad sets: - the data to compute on, - arguments that control the details of the calculation -- - In `st_transform` `x` is the data, `crs` is the proj4string/EPSG code -- - In `ms_simplify` `input` is the data, `keep` defines the directions -- - In `get_conus`: `data` provides the data, `var` defines the column to filter -- - Generally, data arguments should come first. - Detail arguments should go on the end - It can be useful - and good practice - to define default values. - should almost always be the most common value. - The exceptions to this rule are to do with safety of the process. - e.g. `na.rm = FALSE` --- # Code body We then have to carry these generalizations into the function directions using the arguments as our operators: ```r get_conus = function(data, var){ conus = filter(data, !!var %in% c("Hawaii", "Puerto Rico", "Alaska")) return(conus) } ``` -- - here, we replace `us_states()` with `data` -- - we use `get()` to return the *value* of a *named* object -- - We assign our filtered object to the name `conus` -- - And explicitly return the `conus` object from the function -- *** - The value returned by the function is *usually* the last evaluated statement, if we don't specify return we can take advantage of this default: ```r get_conus = function(data, var){ filter(data, !get(var) %in% c("Hawaii", "Puerto Rico", "Alaska")) } ``` --- # Using our function: - Like any object, we have to run the lines of code to save it as an object before we can use it directly in our code: - But then ... -- .pull-left[ ### States ```r x = get_conus(data = us_states(), var = "name") plot(x$geometry) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png" width="432" /> ] .pull-right[ ### Counties ```r x2 = get_conus(us_counties(), "state_name") plot(x2$geometry) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-16-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- ## Cities ```r cities = read_csv("data/uscities.csv") %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lng", "lat"), crs = 4326) %>% get_conus("state_name") plot(cities$geometry, pch = 16, cex = .1) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png" width="576" /> --- # It's ok to be more detailed - Another advantage of functions is that if our requirements change, we only need to make the change our code in one place. -- - This also means we can spend more time fine-tuning our code since we know it will be recycled. -- - Here we can be more focused and make sure to remove other potential "non-conus" states from any input object: ```r get_conus = function(data, var){ filter(data, !get(var) %in% c("Hawaii", "Puerto Rico", "Alaska", "Guam", "District of Columbia")) } ``` -- ```r conus = get_conus(us_states(), "name") nrow(conus) ``` ``` [1] 48 ``` --- # Point-in-Polygon Case Study - The power of GIS lies in analyzing multiple data sources together. - Often the answer you want lies in many different layers and you need to do some analysis to extract and compile information. - One common analysis is Points-in-Polygon (PIP). - PIP is useful when you want to know how many - or what kind of - points fall within the bounds of each polygon -- <img src="lec-img/14-pip.jpg" width="406" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- - In 176A/176B you will learn about other useful ways of analysis point/polygon relationships such as point pattern analysis, interpolation, and others --- # Data ### CONUS counties ```r counties = st_transform(us_counties(), 5070) %>% select(name, geoid, state_name) %>% get_conus("state_name") ``` -- ### CONUS Starbucks ```r starbucks = read_csv('data/directory.csv') %>% filter(!, Country == "US") %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs = 4326) %>% st_transform(5070) %>% st_filter(counties) %>% select(store_name = `Store Name`) ``` -- ### California Counties ```r ca = filter(counties, state_name == "California") ``` --- <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-24-1.png" width="720" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Step 1: Spatial Join To count the Starbucks locations in CA counties, we start by joining the CA counties to the locations: -- - Here we uses the `counties` as the x table and the locations as the y table - This is because we want to **add** the starbucks information to the `county` sf object. -- - Remember the default of `st_join` is a `left_join` on the `st_intersects` predicate -- ```r (starbucks1 = st_join(ca, starbucks)) ``` ``` Simple feature collection with 2816 features and 4 fields Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON Dimension: XY Bounding box: xmin: -2356114 ymin: 1243190 xmax: -1646840 ymax: 2452711 Projected CRS: NAD83 / Conus Albers First 10 features: name geoid state_name 1 San Francisco 06075 California 1.1 San Francisco 06075 California 1.2 San Francisco 06075 California 1.3 San Francisco 06075 California 1.4 San Francisco 06075 California 1.5 San Francisco 06075 California 1.6 San Francisco 06075 California 1.7 San Francisco 06075 California 1.8 San Francisco 06075 California 1.9 San Francisco 06075 California store_name 1 Teavana - San Francisco Centre 1.1 Church & Market - S.F. 1.2 120 4th Street 1.3 Safeway - San Francisco #995 1.4 Teavana - Stonestown Galleria 1.5 Safeway - Noriega #985 1.6 Safeway - San Francisco #667 1.7 5455 Geary Blvd. - WFB 1.8 Safeway-San Francisco #2606 1.9 California & Battery geometry 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.5 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.6 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.7 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.8 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... 1.9 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2283315 19... ``` --- # Step 2: Point counts by Polygon `count()` is a dplyr function that "*lets you quickly count the unique values of one or more variables: df %>% count(a, b) is roughly equivalent to df %>% group_by(a, b) %>% summarise(n = n())*" -- ```r (count(starbucks1, geoid)) ``` ``` Simple feature collection with 58 features and 2 fields Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON Dimension: XY Bounding box: xmin: -2356114 ymin: 1243190 xmax: -1646840 ymax: 2452711 Projected CRS: NAD83 / Conus Albers First 10 features: geoid n geometry 1 06001 116 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2267172 19... 2 06003 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2057214 19... 3 06005 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2137018 20... 4 06007 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2180023 21... 5 06009 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2142592 19... 6 06011 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2255965 21... 7 06013 97 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2270362 19... 8 06015 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2292580 24... 9 06017 14 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2140513 20... 10 06019 53 MULTIPOLYGON (((-2150735 18... ``` --- # Step 3: Combine the processes ... ```r starbucks1 = st_join(ca, starbucks) %>% count(geoid) plot(starbucks1['n']) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-27-1.png" width="432" /> --- # Now for Colorado? We can anticipate that PIP is a useful process we want to implement over variable points and polygons pairs -- So, lets make a function named `point_in_polygon`, that takes a `point` dataset and a `polygon` dataset -- ```r point_in_polygon = function(points, polygon){ st_join(polygon, points) %>% count(geoid) } ``` --- # Test .pull-left[ ```r ca_sb = point_in_polygon(starbucks, ca) plot(ca_sb['n']) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-29-1.png" width="432" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r co_sb = point_in_polygon(starbucks, filter(counties, state_name == "Colorado")) plot(co_sb['n']) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-30-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- .pull-left[ ```r or_sb = point_in_polygon(starbucks, filter(counties, state_name == "Oregon")) plot(or_sb['n']) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-31-1.png" width="432" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r ny_sb = point_in_polygon(starbucks, filter(counties, state_name == "New York")) plot(ny_sb['n']) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-32-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- # Generalizing the `count` variable - In its current form, `point_in_polygon` only counts on `geoid` -- - Lets modify that by making the variable name an input - again, we use `get()` to return the *value* of a *named* object - we call this, variable `id` -- ```r point_in_polygon2 = function(points, polygon, var){ st_join(polygon, points) %>% count(get(var)) } ``` --- # Applying the new function - Here, we can apply the PIP function over **states** and _count_ by `name` -- ```r states = get_conus(us_states(), "name") %>% st_transform(5070) state_sb = point_in_polygon2(starbucks, states, 'name') plot(state_sb['n']) ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-34-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Optimizing functions - Lets apply our function over the counties and see how long it takes -- - We can check the time it takes by wrapping our function in `system.time` -- ```r system.time({ us = point_in_polygon(starbucks, counties) }) # user system elapsed # 3.719 0.354 4.309 ``` --- # Thats not bad... ```r # How many seconds per point? (point_per_sec = 4.3 / (nrow(counties) * nrow(starbucks))) ``` ``` [1] 1.036916e-07 ``` -- ```r # How will this scale to our dams data # (assuming the process is linear) point_per_sec * (nrow(counties) * 91000) ``` ``` [1] 29.31745 ``` -- - ~ 30 seconds to test ~282,100,000 point/polygon relations is not bad, but could be a bottle neck in analysis -- - Lets look at a common means for improvement... --- # To keep geometery or not? - Remember our geometries are **sticky**, that means they carry through all calculations - whether they are needed or not -- - We can ease _alot_ of computational overhead by being mindfull of when we retain our geometry data with our attribute data. -- .pull-left[ ```r system.time({ st_join(counties, starbucks) %>% count(geoid) }) #user system elapsed #3.970 0.421 5.521 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r system.time({ st_join(counties, starbucks) %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% count(geoid) %>% left_join(counties, by = 'geoid') %>% st_as_sf() }) # user system elapsed # 0.396 0.017 0.598 ``` ] --- ```r # How many seconds per point? # How many seconds per point? (point_per_sec = .598 / (nrow(counties) * nrow(starbucks))) ``` ``` [1] 1.442037e-08 ``` ```r # How will this scale to our dams data # (assuming the process is linear) point_per_sec * (nrow(counties) * 91000) ``` ``` [1] 4.077171 ``` ### Awesome! Effectivly a 86% decrease in time needed ((29-4) / 29) --- ### "Function-izing" our improvements ```r point_in_polygon3 = function(points, polygon, var){ st_join(polygon, points) %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% count(get(var)) %>% * setNames(c(var, "n")) %>% left_join(polygon, by = var) %>% st_as_sf() } ``` --- # What else can we wrap? - What about a really nice, clean, informative plot? -- - ggplots look great but can be time consuming to program... -- - A function would allow us to take care of the groundwork -- ```r plot_pip = function(data){ ggplot() + geom_sf(data = data, aes(fill = log(n)), alpha = .9, size = .2) + scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "darkgreen") + theme_void() + theme(legend.position = 'none', plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", color = "darkgreen", hjust = .5, size = 24)) + labs(title = "Starbucks Locations", caption = paste0(sum(data$n), " locations represented")) } ``` - This is great because we can devote the time to making a nice plot and we will be able to recycle the work over other cases... --- # Test .pull-left[ ```r point_in_polygon3(starbucks, filter(counties, state_name == "California"), "geoid") %>% plot_pip() ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-43-1.png" width="432" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r point_in_polygon3(starbucks, filter(counties, state_name == "New York"), "geoid") %>% plot_pip() ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-44-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- .pull-left[ ```r point_in_polygon3(starbucks, counties, "geoid") %>% plot_pip() ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-45-1.png" width="432" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r point_in_polygon3(starbucks, states, var = "name") %>% plot_pip() ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-46-1.png" width="432" /> ] --- # Moving beyond Starbucks? - [Here](,use%20this%20method%20of%20analysis.) is a nice tutorial of point-in-polygon in QGIS. It is looking at earthquakes by country. - Just like us they use `naturalearth` data for the polygon areas - And they are looking at earthquake data maintained by NOAA. - In R, we can read the NOAA data directly from a URL. - The data is a tab delimited txt file so we use `readr::read_delim()` --- ```r sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE) countries = st_as_sf(rnaturalearth::countries110) url = '$ID&t=101650&s=13&d=189&dfn=signif.txt' quakes = read_delim(url, delim = "\t") %>% filter(!, ! %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE"), crs = 4326) %>% st_transform(st_crs(countries)) nrow(countries) ``` ``` [1] 177 ``` ```r nrow(quakes) ``` ``` [1] 6198 ``` ```r nrow(st_intersection(quakes, countries)) ``` ``` [1] 4169 ``` --- # PIP --> Plotting Method - We can use our functions right out of the box for this data -- - But... somethings are not quite right.. ```r point_in_polygon3(quakes, countries, var = "admin") %>% plot_pip() ``` <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-48-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Modify for our analysis ... ```r point_in_polygon3(quakes, countries, var = "admin") %>% * plot_pip() + labs(title = "Earthquake Locations") + scale_fill_viridis_c() + geom_sf(data = quakes, size = .25, alpha = .05, col = 'red') ``` --- <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-50-1.png" width="864" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Improve the anaylsis... ```r point_in_polygon3(quakes, countries, var = "admin") %>% plot_pip() + labs(title = "Earthquake Locations", subtitle = "Most impacted countries") + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = .5), plot.title = element_text(color = "navy")) + scale_fill_viridis_c() + geom_sf(data = quakes, size = .3, alpha = .05, col = 'red') + gghighlight::gghighlight(n > (mean(n) + sd(n))) ``` --- <img src="lecture-14_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-52-1.png" width="864" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Lab 3: Set up ### Data ```r states_u = get_conus(us_states(), "name") %>% st_union() %>% st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") states_c = get_conus(us_states(), "name") %>% st_combine() %>% st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") countries = st_as_sf(rnaturalearth::countries110) ``` ### Function ```r dist_5070_km = function(g1, g2){ g2 = st_transform(g2, crs = st_crs(g1)) drop_units(set_units(st_distance(g1,g2),"km")) %>% as.vector() } ``` --- # Assignment - Compute and plot the number of cities in each US (CONUS) county as a PIP plot - Use the `uscities.csv` to create your points - Use `USAboundaries::us_states()` to define your polygons - Use the PIP function developed here to compute PIP counts - *MODIFY* the `plot_pip` function to plot your data - save your plot with `ggsave()` --- class: center, middle # Submission Submit your image to gauchospace